Elevate Your Service Business with Tailored Financial Management

From client interactions to expense tracking, discover how Easy on Books brings clarity, efficiency, and growth to your service-based business.

Financial Solutions for the Service Industry

Service businesses often juggle multiple clients, variable pricing models, and dynamic expenses. They require intuitive tools to manage client billing, track service-specific expenses, and generate comprehensive financial reports.

Client Management

Cultivate and manage relationships effortlessly. From the first contact to the final invoice, handle client interactions smoothly.

Dynamic Invoicing

Whether you charge by the hour or by the job, create customized invoices that reflect your services’ value.

Expense Tracking

Input and categorize expenses related to each service. Stay updated about your profitability in real-time.

Team Management

Allocate tasks, set roles, and manage your team’s productivity, all in one place.

Mobile App

Stay connected to your business anytime, anywhere. With our mobile app, you can engage clients, review finances, and make decisions on-the-go.

Don’t just take our word for it. Hear from service businesses that have transformed their operations with Easy on Books.


“With Easy on Books, I can focus on what I do best—providing excellent service to my clients. The invoicing, expense tracking, and client management features have been a game-changer for my business.”

– Alexandra M., Spa Owner

Grow Your Business

By spending less time on financial paperwork, you have more time to focus on expanding your clientele and services.

Stay Informed

Get real-time insights into your business’s financial health. Make informed decisions with detailed reports.

Enhance Client Relationships

Automate reminders, send personalized invoices, and maintain seamless communication with your clients.

Start with Easy on Books today and unlock the potential of your service business. Experience financial management like never before.

Pricing & Plans

Scale with us. Choose from our flexible pricing plans designed to meet the unique requirements of your business. Whether you’re a startup or a large corporation, we’ve got a plan for you

$29.99 CAD per month

Features Included:

$19.99 CAD per month

Features Included:

$49.99 CAD per month

Features Included:

Hear It From Our Satisfied Clients

— Samantha J.

"Easy on Books revolutionized my small business. I've never felt so in control of my finances, and I finally have time to focus on what really matters: my customers."

— Meghana P.

"With the complex and variable nature of construction projects, I used to dread the paperwork. Easy on Books has changed all that. Now I can track everything from labor costs to materials with ease. It's a game-changer!"

— Megan R.

"Managing policy information, commissions, and client interactions used to be a juggling act. Easy on Books simplifies it all. It’s not just an accounting software, it’s a complete business solution for insurance agents."

— David W

"As a lawyer, my time is best spent serving my clients, not struggling with accounting. Easy on Books has saved me countless hours, allowing me to focus on my cases instead of spreadsheets."

—Singh G.

"For years, I was using multiple apps to manage different aspects of my carpentry business. Easy on Books brought it all under one roof. I can't imagine going back to the old way of doing things."

— Stacey K.

"Tracking parts, labor costs, and invoices used to be a major headache. With Easy on Books, I can do it all seamlessly. The mobile app also lets me handle things even when I'm away from the shop. Excellent tool!"

— Sarah L

"From managing multiple properties to tracking rental income and expenses, Easy on Books makes real estate accounting a breeze. I especially love the seamless tax integration."

Corporate Partners of Easy on Books