Unlock the Power of Streamlined Financial Management with Easy on Books

From a small business owner to an enterprise CEO, manage every financial aspect with our intuitive, feature-rich platform. Experience ultimate control and flexibility, all within our mobile app.

Our Key Features

Transform your finance management with Easy on Books’ powerful suite of features:

Customer Management

Deep dive into customer insights, manage your customer base with precision, and personalize your services for a superior customer experience.

Harness detailed customer insights, streamline management, and tailor offerings for an unmatched experience.

  • Utilize specific data to cater directly to individual customer needs.
  • Organize and manage customer data for smoother interactions and service delivery

Invoicing & Billing

Create, customize, and dispatch invoices within seconds. Streamline your payment collection and keep track of pending dues effortlessly.

Efficiently craft and send invoices, while effortlessly managing payments and tracking dues.

  • Design and dispatch tailored invoices instantly.
  • Monitor payments with ease, ensuring you’re always up-to-date on outstanding balances.

Document Management

Say goodbye to misplaced financial documents. Store, categorize, and retrieve all your critical financial files within a few clicks.

Effortlessly store, sort, and access all your financial documents, eliminating misplaced files.

  • Easily categorize and retrieve crucial financial documents.
  • Recover needed files with just a few clicks, saving time and effort.


From reconciling bank transactions to maintaining general ledgers, handle all accounting operations efficiently and with absolute accuracy.

Seamlessly manage all accounting tasks, from bank reconciliations to ledger maintenance, with precision.

  • Streamline all accounting tasks for optimal business flow.
  • Ensure every financial detail is accurate and up-to-date.

HR & Payroll Management

Simplify your HR processes. From managing payrolls to handling employee benefits and leave requests, keep your team satisfied and productive.

Streamline HR tasks from payroll processing to leave management, ensuring team satisfaction.

  • Efficiently process wages, benefits, and other compensations.
  • Handle leave requests and benefits, promoting a content and motivated workforce.

Asset, Lease and Mortgage Management

Take control of your assets and properties. Manage all your leases, mortgages, and their respective payment schedules with confidence.

Masterfully manage assets, leases, and mortgages, ensuring timely and organized payments.

  • Keep track of assets and properties with detailed documentation.
  • Stay on top of lease and mortgage dues with structured schedules.

Inventory Management

Create, customize, and dispatch invoices within seconds. Streamline your payment collection and keep track of pending dues effortlessly.

Efficiently handle inventory, monitor stock levels, and ensure timely replenishments.

  • Track inventory levels to prevent stockouts or overstock situations.
  • Automate reorders to maintain optimal inventory levels.

Report Generation

Create custom, comprehensive reports that provide actionable insights into your financial health.

Craft detailed reports, offering actionable financial insights tailored to your business needs.

  • Customizable Reports: Adjust metrics and data for specific business requirements.
  • Financial Insights: Gain a clear picture of your company’s fiscal health for informed decisions.

Sales & Purchase Management

Enhance your relationships with suppliers by managing orders, payments, and negotiations in a structured manner.

Strengthen supplier relationships with organized order processing, payments, and negotiations.

  • Efficiently process and track supplier orders.
  • Foster beneficial supplier partnerships through clear communication and negotiation.

Supplier Management

Enhance your relationships with suppliers by managing orders, payments, and negotiations in a structured manner.

Build and maintain robust supplier relations through structured order handling and clear communication.

  •  Ensure timely order placements and fulfillments.
  • Maintain good rapport with prompt payments and clear transaction records.

Task Management

Efficiently assign, track, and manage tasks to ensure seamless workflow and meet your business deadlines.

Optimize task assignments and monitoring, ensuring a smooth workflow and adherence to deadlines.

  • Delegate tasks with clarity and efficiency.
  • Track progress to ensure timely task completions.

Team Management and Roles

Define clear roles, manage permissions, and boost your team’s productivity.

Establish distinct team roles, fine-tune permissions, and elevate overall productivity.

  • Clearly defined roles ensure efficient task delegation.
  • Ensure secure access and task appropriateness with managed permissions.

Complete Accountant Dashboard

Get an overview of your entire financial landscape at a glance with our intuitive accountant dashboard.

Achieve a panoramic view of your finances through our comprehensive accountant dashboard.

  • Capture the entirety of your financial position at a single glance.
  • Navigate with ease through financial data and metrics.

Tailored Solutions

Delivered with $80,000 in value, perfected over 16 years, and ensuring excellence for the upcoming 5 years.

Facilitate quicker transactions and enhance cash flow with integrated payment channels.

  • Speed up business processes with rapid payment solutions.
  • Connect with a multitude of payment platforms for flexibility.

Pricing & Plans

Scale with us. Choose from our flexible pricing plans designed to meet the unique requirements of your business. Whether you’re a startup or a large corporation, we’ve got a plan for you

$29.99 CAD per month

Features Included:

$19.99 CAD per month

Features Included:

$49.99 CAD per month

Features Included:

Hear It From Our Satisfied Clients

— Samantha J.

"Easy on Books revolutionized my small business. I've never felt so in control of my finances, and I finally have time to focus on what really matters: my customers."

— Meghana P.

"With the complex and variable nature of construction projects, I used to dread the paperwork. Easy on Books has changed all that. Now I can track everything from labor costs to materials with ease. It's a game-changer!"

— Megan R.

"Managing policy information, commissions, and client interactions used to be a juggling act. Easy on Books simplifies it all. It’s not just an accounting software, it’s a complete business solution for insurance agents."

— David W

"As a lawyer, my time is best spent serving my clients, not struggling with accounting. Easy on Books has saved me countless hours, allowing me to focus on my cases instead of spreadsheets."

—Singh G.

"For years, I was using multiple apps to manage different aspects of my carpentry business. Easy on Books brought it all under one roof. I can't imagine going back to the old way of doing things."

— Stacey K.

"Tracking parts, labor costs, and invoices used to be a major headache. With Easy on Books, I can do it all seamlessly. The mobile app also lets me handle things even when I'm away from the shop. Excellent tool!"

— Sarah L

"From managing multiple properties to tracking rental income and expenses, Easy on Books makes real estate accounting a breeze. I especially love the seamless tax integration."

Corporate Partners of Easy on Books